If you would like to come and visit our school please phone the school office and make an appointment. Our Prefects and Mr Mann will be delighted to show you around the school and answer any questions you have.
Our new Reception admissions are handled directly by Somerset County Council. You can contact them on the following telephone number: 0300 123 2224 or visit the website at www.somerset.gov.uk/admissions for information on how to apply to start school.
As an academy the Richard Huish Education Group is our admissions authority. Richard Huish has delegated the responsibility for the management of in-year admissions to the Local Governing Body of the school. If you wish to apply for a place in year at our school then please download the in year application form.
The Governors Admissions Committee follow the oversubscription criteria published in the school’s own admissions arrangements when making a decision about school places. If for any reason your application has not been successful and you would like to appeal against the decision, then please complete the Appeals Form.
Our current PAN (Published Admission Number) is 15.
The Admissions Committee have agreed the following limits for each In Year Admission for 2024-2025:
Nursery – 20
Reception (Stoford class) – 15
Year 1 & Year 2 (Ruggin class) – 30
Year 3 & Year 4 (Hockaller class) – 32
Year 5 & Year 6 (Blackmoor class) – 32
- Applying to start school for the first time
- Primary Admissions Guide
- In Year Application Process
- Changing Schools in Somerset In Year (SCC leaflet)
- In Year Application Form (SCC)
- Appeal Form
Huish Trust Admissions Policy 2024/2025 & 2025/2026
Huish Trust Admissions Policy 2026/2027
West Buckland Admissions Arrangements 2024-2025