In line with Government legislation we believe a sensible programme of weekly home activities should apply.

Our full policy can be found HERE and our home-school agreement and expectations can be viewed here: Home-School Agreement

Our allocation for each year group recommends the following:

  • Nursery = 20 to 30 minutes per week sharing a book and enjoying nursery rhymes.
  • Reception = 45 minutes per week. Daily reading. Phonics practice. Number recall.
  • Key Stage One = 1 hour per week. Daily reading. Phonics practice. Spelling work. Number recall. Times tables.
  • Lower Key Stage Two = 2 hours per week. Daily reading. Spelling work. Times tables.
  • Upper Key Stage Two = 2 hours per week. Daily reading. Spelling work. Times tables.
    Additional SPAG activities and SATs revision (Year 6)


Below you will find additional activities that may be of use when needed:

Stoford & Ruggin Snow Day Activities

Hockaller & Blackmoor Snow Day Activities

Stoford & Ruggin Flood Day Activities

Hockaller & Blackmoor Flood Day Activities

KS1 Summer Holiday Activities

KS2 Summer Holiday Activities

Please find our calculation policies below, which outline how we teach the four operations.

Addition & Subtraction 2023/2024 (WB)

Multiplication & Division 2023/2024 (WB)

To support your child at home, please refer to these parental guides for more information. 

Handwriting guide

Phonics guide

Reading guide

Spelling guide

Number skills