School Meals

Spring term menu – January to April 2025

ALLERGEN Spring term menu – January to April 2025


RHT Hot Meals policy 2024/2025


Orders need to be placed through the My Child At School app and paid for when ordering. Menus will be shared in advance with the cut off for placing orders being midnight of the Tuesday the week before. Those in receipt of Free School Meals also place their orders through the My Child At School app, with no charge applied.

Nursery: £2.60
Reception (Stoford class): Universal Infant Free School Meals, no cost
Key Stage One (Ruggin class): Universal Infant Free School Meals, no costs
Key Stage Two (Hockaller & Blackmoor classes): £2.80

The deadline for ordering meals is the Tuesday before the following week. You can cancel your order up to Thursday of the same week that you place the order. If you cancel a meal by the deadline, we will raise a credit against your My Child At School account. Please note we do not give refunds once a meal order has been placed. If any of our Academies have to close due to exceptional or unforeseen circumstances that are beyond their control, a credit will be given for that day’s meal against your My Child At School account. Should your child be unwell and unable to attend school on a day they have ordered a lunch, no credit or refund will be offered. The production kitchens need to purchase ingredients and ensure that staffing resources are in place, none of which can be adjusted outside of the cancellation window. My Child At School credit balances cannot be transferred to another pupil’s account.
Any unspent credit balance at the end of year 6 will not be refunded. Balances at the end of years 3,4 and 5 will be carried forward to the following year.

At the taking of the register each morning, staff will check that each child knows what they are having for lunch and has a packed lunch box with them if needed. Should the unlikely situation arise where a child does not have a lunch ordered or a packed lunch with them, a phone call home will be made asking the parent/carer to provide a lunch. Where this is not possible, the child will be given a spare hot meal if available or a basic sandwich if not. The charge for this meal will be added to your My Child At School account with prompt payment expected.

Where children are off site for lunch, a packed lunch option can be provided. Details of this will be contained in the trip letter sent out at the time.