Uniform & Equipment

Details can be found below and our full policy is here: Uniform & Equipment policy (WB)


School uniform

• Blue polo shirt
• Grey trousers (not cropped trousers or leggings), tailored shorts, skirt or pinafore
• Blue check gingham dress
• Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan
• Black, grey or navy socks or tights (not white)
• Black shoes (not trainers or high boots)

PE Kit

• Navy shorts
• Blue T-shirt
• Trainers (not daps please)
• Plain navy tracksuit bottoms
• Lightweight showerproof coat (no large logos or team kits)
• Spare Socks

Other Recommended Items

• Royal blue sun hat (available from our uniform supplier)
• Blue woolly winter hat (available from our uniform supplier)
• Wellies (essential in EYFS)
• Named water bottle
• Warm (waterproof) coat, preferably with a hood

Items Not Permited

• Any form of bracelet(s)
• Any necklace(s)
• Brightly coloured dyed hair
• Painted finger or toenails
• False fingernails
• Pencil cases
• Personal / valuable items
• Mobile phones or other electronic items


Only watches (no Smart Watches) and studded earrings are to be worn. All jewellery, including earrings, MUST be removed for PE.

Please ensure children have a coat in school as much as possible, we still go outside for break and lunchtme in light / moderate rain.

Long hair should be tied back for school with a blue or black hairband.

A book bag is also highly recommended to allow items to be transported to and from school safely. Children do not require a back-pack as there is limited cloakroom space. There is separate lunchbox storage.

Children should have their PE kit in school every day.


Our uniform can be ordered here: https://www.workwearonlineltd.com/product-category/schools/west-buckland-primary-school/